Modern instruments in the analytical industry rely upon highly sophisticated technologies. One such technology is that of vacuum generation.


Having been present in the analytical market from its early beginnings, Leybold Vacuum has increased the performance of its products as the sophistication of instruments and the demands upon the vacuum system have likewise developed.


Analytical equipment can vary in complexity from the simplest bench top model to the most intricate research instrument.


Likewise, the vacuum system required by these instruments can be quite diverse.


At Leybold we can provide a suitable solution from a gauge to a multiple-inlet turbomolecular pump that is compact, efficient and extremely reliable.


You can choose from a wide-ranging portfolio of products including:


    1. Wet or dry primary pumps,

    2. Turbomolecular pumps with capacities from 80 to 1300 l/s,

    3. And of course gauges and accessories to ensure that an instrument is performing at its optimum.


Visit our product pages for a complete overview


If an off-the-shelf solution is not suitable, then an OEM can engage with Leybold’s Customer Focused Engineering (CFE) team for a fully customized vacuum solution.