Energy Generation & Storage
The energy transformation we strive for is a major technical challenge, but green energy generated by photovoltaic (solar power), hydro and wind power plants are not adapted to current energy needs. Surplus energy requires high-quality intermediate storage facilities in order to provide generated energy that’s in line with demand. There’s a growing demand for storage solutions such as batteries, flywheels and hydrogen cells.
Electromobility also requires efficient energy and energy storage solutions in order to increase its attractiveness through longer distances and lower production costs. For these reasons, energy storage solutions are undergoing continuous development, and various technologies are increasingly coming into focus.
All these technologies pass through vacuum-assisted production steps which require advanced vacuum solutions. Right from the research stage, Leybold collaborates with you to provide vacuum solutions based on our application expertise and develop innovative green energy solutions.
Leybold products are production-proven in all relevant manufacturing steps for various energy generation and storage solutions for the most diverse requirements.